~Empower Yourself with
Herbal Medicine Making~
(Link to detailed description of Empower Yourself with Herbal Medicine Making )
What you will receive during your participation in this program:
- Individualized Mentorship as you work through the lessons.
- History of Herbal Medicine
- How to Cultivate Plant Wisdom
- Daily exercises on how to connect directly with the wisdom of the plantsand your body, otherwise known as herbal energetics.
- Terminology Related to Herbalism and Basic Botany -The opportunity to look at the plants that grow around you and to incorporate them into your preparations.
- How to make tinctures, salves, oils, lotions, teas, infusions,decoctions, syrups and much more!
- The opportunity to make herbal remedies and learn various methods for applying them i.e. Herbs for topical application.
- Bonus exercises and articles to augment lessons offered on a regular basis.
- Virtual Seasonal Herb Walks and lessons via teleseminar with an opportunity to interact and ask questions and/or listen to replays.
- Instruction on how to harvest/choose as well as prepare plants for optimal benefit.
- Resource suggestions for continued study.
- Certificate of Completion when you have completed all of the lessons.
- Lifetime participation in an herbal discussion group.
The world health organization states that in some parts of the world 80% of the population uses herbal medicine for primary health care. Most of this health care occurs in the kitchen and is administered by a family member, often a mother or grandmother. Many in the western world have not had this wisdom passed on, but we still carry the memory in our cells. This course is an invitation to remember. The lessons will guide you toward looking outside at the green world to support health and wellness. The goal is to provide the tools for the beginning medicine maker. To help participants feel confident and excited about the plant world and all it has to offer.
No matter where you live there are plants that have
significant healing as well as nutritive qualities. This class will include a list of my favorite herbs and the healing qualities that I appreciate about those plants. You will be invited to add to this list as you explore plants on your own. Historically a good herbalist knows a lot about a few plants and as you will see the common weeds that grow around us can offer the vast majority of support that our bodies need.
The first lesson will focus on plant terminology and will provide a brief history of herbal medicine, along with the purpose and scope of herbal medicine. A step by step exercise on plant identification will be offered and a list of items you will want to purchase if you would like to actually take part in the hands on aspects of the subsequent lessons.
The second lesson will offer information on making herbal teas, decoctions and infusions. You will learn what plants and plant parts are ideal for each preparation and how to prepare each herb for optimal benefit. Step by step instructions as well as daily exercises will be offered.
The third lesson will guide you through making your own herbal infused oils and salves. It will offer you the opportunity to learn about several significant plants that are powerful when applied topically to the skin for specific as well as general purposes. Step by step instructions will be provided and information about other approaches to topical application will be shared i.e. poultices, compresses etc.
The fourth lesson will provide information about tinctures what they are, how to ingest them and how to prepare several types including: alcohol, vinegar and glycerin based. Step by step instructions will be provided as well as information about the benefits of each medium and information about plants that are ideally prepared with each medium.
Course goals: The goal of the course is to have participants become familiar with herbal medicine, to become comfortable incorporating herbs into daily life and to gain hands on experience making simple remedies at home. Participants will have the opportunity to make a small home remedy kit that they can continue to build on over time. The kit could include up to 10 different preparations. While it is not required that participants make all 10 remedies they will be expected to make at least one remedy and one tea or infusion during the 4 week course and report back on their experience.
REGISTER for Empower Yourself with Herbal Medicine Making with Linda Conroy
Linda Conroy
Linda Conroy is a bioregional, wise woman herbalist, educator,wildcrafter, permaculturist and an advocate for women's health.
She is the proprietress of Moonwise Herbs and the founder of Wild Eats: a movement to encourage people and communities to incorporate whole and wild food into their daily lives. She is passionate about women's health and has been working with women for over 20 years in a wide variety of settings.
Linda is a student of nonviolent communication and she has a masters degree in Social Work as well as Law and Social Policy. Linda has been offering hands on herbal programs and food education classes for well over a decade. She has completed two herbal apprenticeship programs, one of which was with Susun Weed at the Wise Woman Center and she has a certificate in Permaculture Design. Linda is a curious woman whose primary teachers are the plants; they never cease to instill a sense of awe and amazement.
Her poetic friend Julene Tripp Weaver, eloquently describes Linda when she writes, "She listens to the bees, takes tips from the moon, and follows her heart."
Listen to a thirty minute interview with mentor Linda Conroy
Listen now or download MP3
"I have completed the first two lessons, and the first three assignments.
I can study while I am here in the Philippines, and I am learning a lot.
I'm really enjoying the course.
"Greetings from Somerset. UK Greetings Linda I am so enjoying this group! I
watched the seaweed harvesting video and found it so helpful - thank you
very much - I am really looking forward to the replay of the teleseminar on
3/24/11 - and will be working on the first module next weekend.
Looking forward to working with you" -
"What great way to learn!! Thanks!" - Juli
Thank you so much for responding so quickly - it really feels like you
could be next door - but I know that you are much much further away than
"I had a great time gathering supplies for future lessons and ordering a
copy of the Botony book by Thomas Elpel - I hope that it will arrive soon!
Looking forward to hearing from you - spring blessings."
"Dear Linda, Thank you for being our mentor on this wonderful path of
learning and discovery. I spent over two years studying basic herbal
medicine through an online college, for my Family Herbalist Certificate.
While I learned a whole lot of "book knowledge" type things, the
experience was highly impersonal. There were no teachers to interact
with or other students to interact with and learn from either. It
was probably the most sterile, flat environment I have ever spent time
To thier credit, I did end up with many,many invaluable books.
Being a bit of a bibliophile, it is good for me to know that on my
book shelves are the collective wisdom of so very many amazing
Susun Weed, Rosemary Gladstar, Michael Tierra, Rico Czech,
Thomas Elpel and an amazing treasure trove from others.
These few short weeks in to your course, I feel so much more
confident in seeking and using the plants I have available in my
bioregion. I really like having a real herbalist leading the way,
not just a recent graduate working a part time job answering
questions from a some script.
I so thank you. I feel honored to have been led to your class. Humble Blessings." - Megan
"I LOVE your webinars, even when I don't get them live. I go through them at least three times. The first time, I "attend" without taking notes. Then I take notes from the slides. Finally, I listen again to fill in insights that are not on the slides. Thanks so much for the care you obviously take in preparing these webinars!"