~Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul~
(description of online course with mentor Kathy Crabbe )
A 4 week moon-guided journey of intuition and inspiration
Are you longing to awaken your sacred self, to create, to be still, to recharge and re-discover your divine feminine intuitive soul? As women, I believe the moon can help guide and challenge us to know and act upon our instinctual, emotional selves in balanced, harmonious and soulful ways.
Preview - Lessons 1 - 4
Celebrating the lunar cycles is an important part of building a spiritual framework. Each month we can tune into her cycles to keep ourselves on track. At the new moon we plant our intentions for the month ahead, at the full moon we watch them flower, and at the waning moon we release and share our wisdom with the world. As women we are naturally able to resonate with these cycles in deep and meaningful ways.
By celebrating the lunar cycles each month, you will learn how to meditate and recharge, create sacred space and explore your intuition and creativity through the creation of a Moon Musing Journal and a Moon Collage as you empower and connect with your own inner wise woman.
Individual and group participation is encouraged so we can cross-fertilize each other in new and stimulating ways.
Lesson 1 - Introduction
We will explore the meaning and potential of the lunar cycles, learn about Moon Herstory, start a Moon Musing Journal and meet our guides, The Moon Muses.
Lesson 2 – New Moon Beginnings (Maiden)
An introduction to meditation, chakras and grounding so that we can begin planting our seeds of intention for the month ahead. We will be creating the New Moon portion of our Moon Collage inspired by The New Moon Muses and the Zodiac Goddess of the month. Online sharing of our collages is encouraged through blogging and forum interaction. Coming Soon: Goddess Art & Myths Audio Slide Show.
Lesson 3 – Full Moon Flowering (Mother)
Creation of a sacred circle in honour of the lunar cycles with inspiration from the Full Moon Muses. Dare to be yourself, deepen your aspirations and nurture and release your intentions by creating the Full Moon part of your Moon Collage in honour of your inner Queen of the Night. Coming Soon: Full Moon Telecalls
Lesson 4 – Waning Moon Release (Crone)
An exploration and deepening of our innate, intuitive knowing through oracle and spirit guide connection inspired by the Waning Moon Muses. As we navigate the mysteries of the intuitive realms we will also be creating the Waning Moon phase of our Moon Collage in honour of the Dark Goddess.
Course Goals:
1. To create a spiritual framework that will enhance your life and your dreams.
2. To understand the power and potential of the new, full and waning moons.
3. To create sacred space in honour of the four directions and the moon.
4. To effect change in your life through the use of journaling, meditation, intuition and intention work in concert with natural cycles.
Learn more and register
Mentor: Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non dominant left hand. This awoke her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings that have touched many lives in profound and playful ways. Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her pet muses and architect husband in an adobe home they built themselves.
Kathy's art and writing has been published and shown throughout the world at museum shows, galleries, art fairs, magazines and books including the San Diego Women's History Museum, We'Moon Datebook, and Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach to name a few. She has self-published several books, zines, oracle decks and ecourses and maintains a regularly updated blog, etsy store and portfolio site. Kathy received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History from Queen's University and a Graphic Design Diploma from St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Canada. She has been working as a professional artist since 1992. Kathy has been an educator and mentor at Laguna Outreach Community Artists, Mt. San Jacinto College, Wise Woman University, Inspire San Diego Studio, HGTV, Michelle Shocked's International Women's Day Show as well as teaching her own classes: "Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul", and New Moon Circles. She is a founding member of the Temecula Artist's Circle, the Temecula Writer's Café and the Riverside Art Museum's Printmaker's Network. Metaphysically speaking, Kathy has studied with Francesca De Grandis (Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism), Adam Higgs (psychic mediumship), Om, devotee of Sri Chinmoy (meditation), Atma Khalsa (yoga), Susun Weed (Green Witch Intensive), Joyce Fournier, RN (Therapeutic Touch), Steven Forrest & Jeffrey Wolf Green (astrology) and she received certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell's Crystal Academy.
Learn more here.
Listen to Kathy at Wise Woman Radio!
30 minutes on-demand, listen now or download MP3