~ Conscious Menstruation ~
(link to detailed description of Conscious Menstruation )
This course is for all women in any stage of her life cycle. We delve into many aspects of reclaiming our menstruation as sacred. In these times we are being called as women to step into our power, to reclaim our sacredness as women who bleed without dying, and to teach the next generation to honor menstruation, our moon time. Through deep understanding of our cycle, self care through herbs,
nutrition and exercise, ceremony and alternative ways to catch our blood we bring our consciousness to the beauty and power of our menstruation.
Course goals: To learn about the sacredness of menstruation through; raising awareness about our hormonal cycle, sharing our stories, learning about alternative menstrual gear, discovering how nutrition, herbs and exercise directly affect our menstrual experience, creating alters and ritual, creating art and poetry, and examining our dreamtime.
~ Creating a Moonlodge ~
(link to detailed description of Creating a Moonlodge )
Let’s journey together through time and gather ancient women’s wisdom. We will support the paradigm shift into the present by honoring our cycles as women. We will learn the basics of inviting women, preparing a sacred space, priestessing ritual, and the specific elements and songs of Moonlodge ritual that I have developed over the past eleven years. My goal is to assist you in facilitating Moonlodge in your home communities.
Course goals: To raise awareness in our home communities about the sanctity of a woman’s experience through offering mooonlodge ritual. After completion of this course, women will define their intentions for creating moonlodge and have the skills to call women to the circle, create sacred space, and priestess the ritual.
Mentor: Astrid Grove

Astrid Grove received her BA in Eastern Medicine and Philosophy from UMass at Amherst in 2000 and is a graduate of Birthwise Midwifery School.
During training, she traveled extensively, served many different communities and witnessed an assortment of styles and techniques. She has acquired pieces of wisdom from many amazing and talented midwives and teachers including Ellen Evert Hopman, Pam Montgomery and Susun S. Weed.
Herbs are an integral part of her life and her practice, and she looks forward to sharing this wisdom with her clients and students.
Listen to Astrid at Wise Woman Radio!
30 minutes on-demand, listen now or download MP3