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~ Clair-Senses Soul Therapy~
(link to detailed description of Clair-Senses Therapy)
Within this 4 week course you will learn how to listen to the daily messages received from the Divine through opening your 4 major Clair -Senses and putting them to use in your daily life.
LISTEN to your Clair Audient messages!
-recognize that little voice inside your head as being reliable
FEEL your Clair Sentient messages!
-understand your physical sensations
KNOW your Clair Cognizant messages!
-learn to follow your inner intuitiveness
SEE your Clairvoyant messages!
-incorporate your Third Eye vision, beyond the physical
This course is designed to add enrichment and empowerment to your daily life. By learning how to recognize the Divine messages offered through the Clair -Senses, your life will become easier, and your time will become more efficient.
By using a divination tool, the objective is to strengthen you knowledge of, and consciously accept and use, your communication received from the Universe. Knowing and understanding the Clair-Senses, your strengths and weaknesses will be identified allowing you to trust more easily. Similar to knowing whether or not to add flavor to your soup by trusting your taste buds. Learning and trusting that the messages we receive always come from a place of love, as you open to the Clair-Senses you will notice your life begin to change.
Sometimes slowly, sometimes greatly, but always favorably. One of the most enjoyable and fruitful ways of opening to the Clair-Senses is by using a simple 3-card spread to interpret what you HEAR, FEEL, SEE and KNOW. There are many different decks to choose from, but for consistency with this class, we will be using the Angel Therapy Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue, for the duration of this course.
Individual and group participation is encouraged as we will be practicing a lot! Each week we will come together online to share our thoughts, interpretations and visions. Every week we will be given homework..remember... lots of practice... pairing up with a different classmate for each assignment to empower each other by sharing our intuition and strengths.
1. Learn how to interpret a 3-card spread for a reading by using the Clair-Senses
2. Develop your strengths by trusting the messages you receive
3. Bring about positive changes in your life by acting on the Clair-messages
4. Understand the power of intention
Lesson One
Introductions, and a brief summary of expectations/goals of the course. Cards used during each lesson will be emailed to each student prior to the upcoming lesson each week.
Lesson one involves explanation of the three card spread we will be using throughout the 4 lessons.
Moving to a simple mediation for grounding and blessings.
Focus on Clair-Audient sense, using the three card spread each card is read using only the messages that we “Hear”. Input from each student, followed by Q & A.
Lesson Two
Cards used during each lesson will be emailed to each student prior to the upcoming lesson each week.
Review of previous week's Lesson.
A simple meditation for grounding and blessings.
Lesson Two Focus' on Clair-Sentience with a three card spread reading
Each person is given opportunity to offer their interpretation of the Clair Sentient messages received.
Lesson Three
Cards used during each lesson will be emailed to each student prior to the upcoming lesson each week.
Review of previous week's Lesson.
A simple meditation for grounding and blessings.
Lesson Three focus' on Clair-cognizant messages, with a three card spread. Each person is given opportunity to offer their interpretation of the Clair -cognizant messages received.
Lesson Four
Cards used during each lesson will be emailed to each student prior to the upcoming lesson each week.
Review of previous week's lesson.
A simple meditation for grounding and blessings.
Lesson Four focuses on Clair-voyant messages, with a three card spread. Each person is given opportunity to offer their interpretation of the Clair -voyant messages received.
Mentor: Ann Melanson

Ann began her career working as a free-lance makeup artist/esthetician working with such names as Schwarzkopf, Christian Dior, and CBC Television. Knowing that her life was destined to encompass a spiritual theme, an opportunity presented itself to obtain her Reiki Level II through a well-known Reiki Master of the Usui tradition.
Using her gift of intuitive ability, she continues to enlighten many people using methods such as Angel Card Readings, Psychometry, Reiki, Past Life Regression Therapy and Chakra Balancing. Ann believes in the empowerment of women, and the expression of individuality through love, understanding and enlightenment. She shares her living space with 3 children, a life partner, and many furried and feathered outdoor friends.