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~ Reclaiming Artemis: Calling Passion, Power and Wildness Back Into Your Life!~
(link to detailed description of Reclaiming Artemis )
By connecting with our Inner Warrior and the Goddess Artemis, in this four week online course, we will learn to empower ourselves, set strong boundaries and live an intuitive, authentic life filled with passion, power and wildness. We do this through spending time in nature, listening to the call of the wild within, and following the passions of our heart. We learn to speak our truth, act on our own behalf, and take the time and space we need to listen to ourselves. In this way we infuse our life with energy, joy and power!
Course goals: ~To develop a strong bond with your Inner-Warrior and the Artemis-Within you so that you have this amazing ally by your side at all times.
~To Create an altar that is a physical, symbolic embodiment of your empowered, courageous, beautiful, joyful, and strong self where you can spend time creating, reading, meditating, doing ritual or being in solitude.
~To reclaim and reconnect to nature and the wild, free-spirit that is your birthright so that you may hear her intuitive and instinctual calls and loyally follow them through.
~To become more comfortable speaking your truth, setting boundaries and taking space alone for healing, adventure, exploration, solitude or anything else you need.
Mentor: Melissa Potter

Melissa Potter lives in New Hampshire with her 16-year old son, her greatest joy and their cat, Jack. She loves the earth and all its elements; loves to camp, kayak, swim, visit the mountains and to gather with friends and family for good food and conversation. She also loves exploring-adventures, music, libraries, bookstores and the theater.
Connecting to nature has been a joyful and deepening source of strength, beauty and sustenance for Melissa. This honoring of Mother Earth and her devotion to holistic healing led her to the joyous and rewarding journey of studying and using herbal medicine and aromatherapy as well. Life is a magical, beautiful and aromatic adventure when surrounded by pure essential oils and colorful, healing plants!
Her passions are writing for the joy of writing, inspiring others and doing service work. Creating venues to share her experience, strength and hope is extremely rewarding to her. She loves exploring the Divine Feminine through myths, archetypes and ritual and is deeply in love with creating altars and sacred space for healing and celebration.
Her latest passions are astrology, working toward her degree in Counseling Psychology and the opportunity to serve as a mentor at Wise Woman University!
Melissa graduated from the NH Institute of Therapeutic Arts in 1993 where she studied various forms of alternative healing. She offers craniosacral therapy, somato-emotional release work, ceremony, Astrological and Spiritual Counseling in her private practice at MotherRoots Healing Arts.
Although Melissa has studied with many wonderful and wise teachers throughout the last twenty six years, many of her most profound teachings have come from the everyday women and men who have inspired her with their own life stories. For this she is eternally grateful. And to all of the women who's tables she has sat around sharing cups of tea, potluck meals, stories and laughter ~ she is also grateful ~ for these are the intuitive, soulful Wise Woman ways that infuse us with the very deepest teachings about ourselves, each other and the world around us on our journey through life.
New interview with Melissa!
Melissa describes the archetypal qualities of the goddess Artemis. She explains why Artemis is a symbol of empowerment for her personally and what it means to be an empowered woman.
30 minute on-demand radio interview listen now or download MP3
Listen to a 30 minute radio interview with Melissa
30 minute on-demand radio interview listen now or download MP3
I'm very grateful to Melissa Potter for creating and offering the course,
Reclaiming Artemis: Calling Passion, Power and Wildness Back into Your Life at
Wise Woman University.
When signing up for this online course, I did not expect the individual care
that Melissa took in answering my introduction with a meditation for healing.
It was a powerful healing for me on a physical level and helped to release my
emotional blockages to healing.
I appreciate Melissa's wise words and guidance, visualisations and inspiring
quotes and poems. Melissa helped me discover my Artemis strength to heal my
hurt child self. This has been priceless counselling for me and has indeed been
life affirming and life changing.
As I completed each lesson, I was amazed how each lesson really did appear at
just the right time. New people and places and opportunities would open up and
then reading the outline of the next lesson I would discover that the course
and Melissa were there to guide me through my next life lesson yet again.
Melissa's feedback was always warm and wise and wonderful. I found Melissa
very insightful and encouraging and she helped me discover my joy of
journalling and sharing with herself and the other wise woman of the course,
other people online and my friends and family.
The Reclaiming Artemis course helped me get to know myself and to love this
self enough, to have the confidence to share my true self with others. The
lessons inspired me to write poetry and to meditate and visualise. To tap into
the strength of Artemis within me and my love of nature.
Through the Artemis Course, I really have opened myself up to life, to
gathering strength from nature rather than withdrawing into it, opening my
heart to people and also to knowing and loving myself enough to be true and
truthful to myself. It is through Melissa's guidance and support as a mentor
that I have been able to do this. To be able to express myself without being
marked or judged but mentored and loved is one of the most precious gifts I
have ever received.
Thank you Melissa, I wholeheartedly recommend your course Reclaiming Artemis
for healing, for creativity and for getting to know your inner strength and
therefore yourself.
Megan Letts