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Heal Your Heart ~ Love Your Liver ~ Hidden Treasure ~ Indian Summer
~ Indian Summer: Nourishing the
Earth Element ~
This class will benefit herbal and alternative medicine practitioners at any level, and individuals who want to heal and understand their digestive system for optimum health and longevity. This class draws on the wisdom of Chinese Five Element Theory to explain the main functions of the spleen, pancreas and stomach and their relationship to the Earth Element. The Earth Element embodies divine nourishment and abundance and has the power to absorb and transform on the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental levels. There is no better time than now to nourish our Earth Element as we reclaim the sweetness of life and seek to live in harmony with the earth and all her creations.
Indian Summer: Nourishing the Earth Element contains information that I hope will someday be taught in our school systems as a matter of course so we can better learn and understand our connection to each other and to the earth. Healing takes place in the context of relationships and by coming into conscious relationship with our body, mind and spirit we become empowered. Knowledge is power and empowered people make empowered choices. Nowhere can this be seen more powerfully than in the choices that effect health and wellbeing. Many of us have not been taught how to take care of ourselves or what it means to have a longevity plan.
Information is knowledge and what we do with it is wisdom. This class will help participants apply their knowledge in the Wise Woman Wisdom tradition.
With so many wonderful insights into healing, and knowledge brought to us both by modern science and ancient healing systems, we have the opportunity to create a new system of healing: one that has our best interests at heart and is in alignment with the Earth. Our current model of health care is steeped in the heroic and mechanistic model. Chinese Medicine on the other hand is an energetic model, an empirical system of knowledge that has been in place for thousands of years. In this class we will explore the models of healing and when we marry the best of our current models of medicine with the healing modalities of the ancients, a bigger picture emerges: one in which the whole person is seen in the light of a new understanding. This course will explore a holistic approach to taking care of the amazing organ system that is responsible for bringing spirit into matter and creating our physical form.
Course Goals:
• To have a basic understanding of the Stomach, Spleen and Pancreas, and how they function from both a Western physiological and Energetic Model perspective.
• To begin to look at Earth Imbalance through the lens of Chinese Five Element Theory.
• To begin to understand the relationships between physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health.
• To help gain a deeper understanding of the importance of aligning with the natural rhythms of the earth.
• To begin to acquire tools for recognizing and diagnosing patterns of imbalance, specifically Earth Imbalance.
• To begin to address weight and blood sugar issues through the lens of Chinese Five Element Theory and develop therapeutic strategies for bring Earth into balance.
• To put the lessons learned in this class to practical use through dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and herbs that specifically support the Earth Element.
• To learn how to increase vitality and longevity for yourself, your family and/or your clients.
• To have fun learning by using the methods in this class which include journaling, cooking, singing and an art project.
~ Hidden Treasure: Kidney Essence &
The Water Element ~
This class will benefit herbal practitioners at any level, and individuals who want to understand the vital role of Kidney Essence and how to achieve optimum health and longevity.
The first and most essential of the Five Elements is Water. The Water Element emotion is Fear and like the kidneys, fear is deeply rooted. We are not even consciously aware sometimes of major areas of fear and insecurity and how this might be affecting our kidneys, or how in turn deficient kidneys feed the emotion of fear.
The highest expression of the Water Element is Wisdom. There is no better time than now, at the turning of the ages to study our relationship with the Water Element, restore our kidneys, and move beyond fear as we gain wisdom.
Hidden Treasure: Kidney Essence & The Water Element contains information that I hope will someday be taught to our children as a matter of course so they can better learn and understand how to live joyfully in a human body. Healing takes place in the context of relationships and by coming into conscious relationship with our own bodies we become empowered. Knowledge is power and empowered people make empowered choices. Nowhere can this be seen more powerfully than in the choices that effect health and wellbeing. We have not really been taught how to take care of ourselves or what it means to have a longevity plan.
With so many wonderful insights into healing and knowledge brought to us both by modern science and ancient healing systems we have the opportunity to create a new system of healing: one that has our best interests at heart. Our current model of health care is steeped in the heroic and mechanistic model. Chinese Medicine on the other hand is an empirical system of knowledge that has been in place for thousands of years. When we marry the best of our current models of medicine with the healing modalities of the ancients, a bigger picture emerges: one in which the whole person is seen the light of a new understanding. This course will explore a holistic approach to taking care of one of our most vital organ systems as we discover its Hidden Treasure.
Course Goals:
• To have a basic understanding of how the kidneys function and to increase awareness around the urinary tract system that includes the adrenals.
• To begin to look at Kidney Imbalance from the perspective of Chinese Five Element Theory, specifically the Water Element that governs the kidneys, adrenals and bladder.
• To begin to understand the relationships between physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health.
• To help gain a deeper understanding of the importance of aligning with the seasons and natural rhythms of the earth.
• To begin to acquire tools for recognizing and diagnosing patterns of imbalance, specifically Kidney deficiency.
• To put the lessons learned in this class into practice through dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and herbs that specifically support the urinary tract system and the Water Element.
• To learn how to increase vitality and longevity for yourself, your family, and your clients.
• To have fun using the methods in this class which include journaling, inner reflection, philosophizing and cooking.
• To take your practice to the next level by integrating and embodying the concepts presented in this class.
~ Heal Your Heart: The Fire Element~
(link to detailed description of Heal Your Heart )
Heal Your Heart: The Fire Element, contains information I hope will someday be taught to our children as a matter of course so they grow in the knowledge that healing takes place in the context of relationships – our relationship with each other, the earth and her seasons and with the heavens.
Even our organ systems are in relationship with each other, which is eloquently illustrated through Chinese Five-Element Theory. Chinese Medicine is an empirical system of knowledge that has been in place for thousands of years. This is a class about learning how to become more present in our Heart-Mind, and how to eat and live well so that we have a healthy Heart.
Knowledge is power and empowered people make empowered choices. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the choices that effect health and wellbeing. We have not really been taught how to take care of ourselves, or what it means to have a longevity plan. Our current system of health education, put in place by government and corporations, do not necessarily have our best interests at heart. Our current model of health care itself is steeped in the heroic and mechanistic model.
The Wise Woman tradition on the other hand teaches us to trust our own inner guidance and intuition while informing ourselves on all levels. When we marry the best of our current models of medicine with the healing modalities of the ancients, a bigger picture emerges: one is which the whole person is seen in a light of a new understanding. This course will explore a holistic approach to taking care of both our physical heart and Heart-Mind as we explore the full potential of the Summer season.
Course Goals:
• To have a basic understanding of how the heart functions and to increase awareness around this vital organ system
• To begin to look at heart imbalance from the perspective of Chinese Five Element Theory, specifically the Fire Element that governs the heart and small intestine.
• To begin to understand the relationships between physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health.
• To help gain a deeper understanding of the importance of aligning with the natural rhythms of the earth.
• To begin to acquire tools for recognizing and diagnosing patterns of imbalance, specifically heart imbalance.
• To put the lessons learned in this class into practice through dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and herbs that specifically support the heart.
• To learn how to increase vitality and longevity for yourself, your family or your clients.
• To have fun using the methods in this class which include journaling, meditation, cooking and art.
• To take your practice to the next level by integrating and embodying the concepts presented in this class.
~ Love Your Liver: The Wood Element~
(link to detailed description of Love Your Liver)
This work at your own pace, online course will benefit herbal practitioners at any level, and individuals who want to heal and support their liver for optimum health.
Love Your Liver: The Wood Element, contains information I hope will someday be taught to our children as a matter of course so they grow in the knowledge that healing takes place in the context of relationships.
Knowledge is power and empowered people make empowered choices. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the choices that effect health and wellbeing. We have not really been taught how to take care of ourselves or what it means to have a longevity plan.
Our current system of health education, put in place by government and corporations, do not necessarily have our best interests at heart. Our current model of health care itself is steeped in the heroic and mechanistic model. Chinese Medicine, on the other hand, is an empirical system of knowledge that has been in place for thousands of years.
When we marry the best of our current models of medicine with the healing modalities of the ancients, a bigger picture emerges: one in which the whole person is seen in a new light of understanding. This course will explore a holistic approach to taking care of one of the most amazing organs in our body.
• Gain a basic understanding of the Liver, how it functions and to increase awareness around this vital organ.
• Begin to look at Liver Imbalance from the perspective of Chinese Five Element Theory, specifically the Wood Element which governs the liver.
• Understand the relationships between physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health.
• Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of aligning with the natural rhythms of the earth.
• Acquire tools for recognizing and diagnosing patterns of imbalance, specifically Liver Imbalance.
• Put the lessons learned in this class into practice through dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and herbs that specifically support the liver.
• Learn how to increase vitality and longevity for yourself, your family or your clients.
• Have fun learning using the methods in this class which include journaling, dancing and cooking.
• Take your practice to the next level by examining a cases study and presenting one of your own.
Mentor: Thea Summer Deer
Thea Summer Deer, D.S.P.S. is a clinical herbalist, educator, author and singer-songwriter. She began practicing midwifery in 1978 and was a founding mother of the South Florida School of Midwifery.
Her involvement in Alternative Medicine spans 40 years as owner of Mindbody Press and Evolutionary Press, and as the executive director of Resources for World Health. She is a graduate of Botanologos School for Herbal Studies and received her doctorate from Venus Rising University.
Mother, Grandmother, avid cook and gardener, Thea is also an award winning songwriter performing in the acoustic duo, Thea & The GreenMan. Her book, "Wisdom of the Plant Devas: Herbal Medicine for a New Earth", published by Inner Traditions International/Bear & Company, bridges botanical medicine and Earth-Spirit wisdom with Plant Spirit Medicine and is available from, or your local Indie Bookstore.
Learn more at and "Like" her on Facebook.
Listen to a 30 minute radio interview with Thea Summer Deer
"My goal in taking your class was to learn how the liver might affect hot
flashes, but your gift of knowledge has far surpassed that and thank you."
-- Helen Rollins Lord "I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying
the classes and how much healing I am experiencing in my own life/body right
now because of the information you have shared. I truly appreciate the gift
of this class." -- Kristina White
"I am so excited to have been guided to you and am so happy to be in this
phase of my life with you. Thanks for being so very approachable and
responsive." -- Sandi Manoogian
"These classes have been so inspiring, gracefully presented and dense with
insightful information." -- Emily Sabino
"Thank you so much Thea Summer Deer. you have been placed on my path in
perfect timing." -- Pat Alexander