Meet the Mentors
at the Wise Woman University


The Wise Woman University (WWU) is a sacred distance learning environment for the reweaving of the healing cloak of the Ancients. WWU is an online non-accredited distance learning environment, offering courses to women for personal empowerment and wellbeing.
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At the Wise Woman University you will find mentors with women-centered skills pleased to offer their wisdom to you in a format that is lively, interesting, and easily available. 

Ann Melanson | Anne-Marie Fryer | Astrid Grove | Catherine Bastedo
Dawn Gettig | Douglas Grunther | Jan Calloway-Baxter | Jill Diana Chasse
Joanne Dodgson | Kathy Crabbe | Kris Steinnes | Laura Cerwinske | Linda Conroy
Lisa Sarasohn Melissa Potter | Nora Beeman | Roslyne Sophia Breillat | Sara Deutsch
sHEALy | Susun S. Weed | Thea Summer Deer | White Feather | Z Budapest





















































































Ann began her career working as a free-lance makeup artist/esthetician working with such names as Schwarzkopf, Christian Dior, and CBC Television. Knowing that her life was destined to encompass a spiritual theme, an opportunity presented itself to obtain her Reiki Level II through a well-known Reiki Master of the Usui tradition. Visit Ann's profile page

Ann Melanson teaches:
~ Clair-Senses Soul Therapy


Anne-Marie is a Waldorf class and kindergarten teacher, biodynamic farmer, author and nutritional counselor. She has taught nutritional cooking and counseled for 25 years in her homeland of Denmark, Europe and the United States. Visit Anne-Marie's profile page

Anne-Marie Fryer teaches:
~ Cooking for the Love of Children
~ Culturing from the Heart

Astrid is a midwife, herbalist, practitioner of Maya abdominal massage and keeper of the ancient women's mysteries. Her life's work is to co-create sacred space for women, men and children as we cycle through wellness.Visit Astrid's profile page

Astrid Grove teaches:
~ Conscious Menstruation
~ Creating a Moonlodge

Catherine is a Usui-Holographic Reiki healer and teacher. She uses archetypes, myth and nature totems to help people reduce stress, release and transmute old patterns, restore balance on the physical, mental, and emotional levels and develop new ways of looking at life and the patterns in their lives. Visit Catherine's profile page

Catherine Bastedo teaches:
~ Chakra Basics

Dawn Gettig

Dawn Gettig lives in harmony with nature where she finds inspiration and connects with spirit. Dawn is the owner of Gaia Design - Soulful Decorating, Feng Shui and Green Living . "Feng Shui can support your dreams and goals, make your home feel and look beautiful, and create success in your life." Visit Dawn's profile page

Dawn Gettig teaches
~ Medicine Wheel Home: Applying Natural Feng Shui to Create a Home with Meaning

~ Medicine Wheel Path: Living a Life of Balance and Spirit


Doug is a certified dream work facilitator and has been Woodstock, NY’s most noted radio talk show host for over twenty-five years. His program, The Dream Show, heard over WDST-FM, Woodstock, and over the Internet at and, offers listeners the opportunity to call in with a dream and receive valuable insights from dream experts.Visit Doug's profile page

Jan has taught writing, literature and humanities in universities, colleges and high schools for many years, including developing online composition courses. She loves growing herbs, making medicine, cooking, writing, working with fabric and fiber, reading, traveling, listening to music, and walking in the woods.Visit Jan's profile page


Jill is a maternal/perinatal mental health & wellness consultant with over 15 years experience working with individuals, families and organizations to help a mother fully experience, understand and enjoy pregnancy, the birthing process, and baby's development, creating psychological wellness for mother and child. Visit Jill's profile page


JoAnne is a healer, teacher and medicine storyteller in ancient Peruvian medicine ways, Ka Ta See.  She has a doctorate in counseling psychology and over twenty years experience offering counseling, ceremonial gatherings, holistic healing and workshops. Visit Joanne's profile page


Kris is the visionary founder of Women of Wisdom Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to women's empowerment and spiritual growth. As a minister, spiritual leader and meditation teacher, Kris has a commitment to bring feminine consciousness to the forefront of our collective experience. Visit Kris' profile page

Kris Steinnes teaches:
~ Reclaim Your Feminine Wisdom


Laura Cerwinske is an artist, writer, publisher, and creator of Radical Writing. Her work is based on principles of the Wise Woman tradition, which she studied with Susun Weed in 1980. She has been a student of spiritual practice for more than thirty-five years and is the author of more than 20 books on art and creativity. Visit Laura's profile page

Laura Cerwinske teaches:
~ Recomposing the Mother - Daughter Bond

Linda Conroy is a bioregional, wise woman herbalist, educator,wildcrafter, permaculturist and an advocate for women's health. She is the proprietress of Moonwise Herbs and the founder of Wild Eats: a movement to encourage people and communities to incorporate whole and wild food into their daily lives. She is passionate about women's health and has been working with women for over 20 years in a wide variety of settings. Visit Linda's profile page

Linda Conroy teaches:
~ Empower Yourself with Herbal Medicine Making


Lisa, Belly Queen, is a bodywork and yoga therapist and an advanced Kripalu Yoga instructor. Her 20 years' experience facilitating body-mind integration includes seven years on staff at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA. Visit Lisa's profile page

Lisa Sarasohn teaches:
~ Initiation 2012: Awakening Your Sacred Center


Melissa Potter graduated from the NH Institute for Therapeutic Arts in 1993.  She has continued her dedication to integrating the principles of holistic healing through her deep connection to Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine Goddess, ancient teachings, women's empowerment circles, magic, and her love of the journey of Life as a mythical adventure to wholeness.  Melissa's profile page

Melissa Potter teaches:
~ Reclaiming Artemis: Bring Passion, Power & Wildness Into Your Life!

Nora fell under the trance of Reiki and started her training in 1998, finishing with her master level in 2002 and has been doing healings since. She is a Reiki practitioner (level III), handcrafter, user of herbs and the Wise Woman ways, lover of Nature and a seeker of Truth, and well-being. Visit Nora's profile page

Nora Beeman teaches:
~ Reiki Self-Healing

Shealy (Sherry) Healy is a life-time psychic and teacher of organic spirituality who knows that life is a metaphysical experience. She has dedicated her entire life to the development, teaching and enhancement of life skills through the use of intuition. She is an author, life coach who has specialized as a yoga/fitness and spiritual advocate for over twenty-five years.
Visit Shealy's profile page

Shealy (Sherry) Healy teaches:
Intuitive Development

Sophia is a woman who lives, writes and paints from the heart. Sophia’s training and experience includes primal therapy, intuitive massage, reconnective healing, writing, art and design, astrological counselling, instructional skills, training program design and teaching within the Aboriginal community. Visit Roslyne's profile page

Roslyne Sophia Breillat teaches:
~ Being Woman
~ Dawning of Wisdom


Sara Deutsch is a college teacher, Creative Arts Therapist and multimedia artist who explores creativity as a healing force. Sara is a visionary artist with thousands of original paintings; drawing from doctoral studies and 26 years of private practice and teaching. She started telling writing her autobiography to connect and integrate her many life experiences. Visit Sara's profile page

Sara Deutsch teaches:
~ Creative Autobiography - Telling Your Story


Susun is loved and honored for her work in women’s health and herbal medicine. She is the author of the Wise Woman Herbal Series, offering simple, safe alternative, complementary medicines. She directs the working of the Wise Woman Center, is a Peace Elder and High Priestess of Dianic Wicca. Visit Susun's profile page.

Susun S. Weed teaches:
~ Your Healthy Cervix and Vagina
~ Menopausal Allies
~ Herbal First Aid: The Wise Woman Way


Thea Summer Deer

Thea Summer Deer is a clinical herbalist, educator, writer, and musician. She began practicing midwifery in 1978 and was a founding mother of the South Florida School of Midwifery. Her involvement in Alternative Medicine spans 30 years as owner of Mindbody and Evolutionary Press, and as the Executive Director of Resources for World Health. Visit Thea Summer Deer's profile page

Thea Summer Deer teaches:
~ Love Your Liver  


White Feather was initiated into the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge by her elder and mentor Yehwehnode-2-Wolves, Twylah Nitsch in 1985. A holistic nurse for 30 years, dancer, Buddhist practitioner, herbalist and founder of Catskill Mountain Herbals, White Feather is certified by Grandmother Twylah to teach the wisdom wheel teachings. Visit White Feather's profile page

White Feather teaches:
~ Seven Directions Movement Meditation


Z Budapest is author of the acclaimed The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries (1989) originally published in 1975 as The Feminist Book of Lights and Shadows. This book served as the first hands-on guide to lead women into their own spiritual/Goddess heritage. Visit Z Budapest's profile page

Z Budapest teaches:
~ What is Remembered Lives